The story of Viagra is Pfizer chemists were developing a pill to treat heart condition called cardiovascular ailments. In 1991 something came up that sidetracked those efforts: Test subjects exhibited strong and energetic in sex as side effect to the treatment. They had a incredible arousing.
The pill, later named Viagra and approved by the FDA in 1998, proved a bust in terms of treating heart disease. But the unexpected benefit pumped up its maker's bottom line and set the stage for a brand-new industry. (Source: Pfizer journal)
The drug-laced foam was synthesized after Upjohn researchers realized that a blood pressure drug, Loniten, had the side-effect of thickening and darkening hair. Upjohn was later sold to Pfizer and Rogaine was among the brands shipped over to Johnson & Johnson when the company sold its consumer-focused division in 2006. Applied to the scalp, the drug is not touted as a full-on cure for baldness; its maker does boast of studies where 85% of male test subjects regrew hair after four months of twice-daily use.(source: johnson and johnson.)